In this installment of our "Summer of Sump Pumps" series, we highlight the different sump pump systems offered by Mid-State...
In this installment of our "Summer of Sump Pumps" series, we highlight the different sump pump systems offered by Mid-State...
Welcome to our "Summer of Sump Pumps" series! At Mid-State Basement Systems, we understand the importance of keeping your basement...
Crawl spaces are often overlooked, hidden beneath our homes, and out of sight, out of mind. However, the condition of...
Summer brings longer days, warmer temperatures, and unfortunately, increased humidity. For homeowners, this spike in humidity can lead to various...
Foundation settlement occurs when the soil beneath a home's foundation undergoes changes in composition, density, or moisture levels. These shifts...
Spring showers and summer thunderstorms can wreak havoc on basements, causing unexpected flooding that leads to costly damage and repairs....
Just because your basement has been dry for a while, doesn't mean that the water problems are fixed. When we...
Let's REDEFINE the industry! Some of our team traveled to Omaha, NE, for the 2024 SupportWorks Redefine Conference. The...
When it comes to keeping your basement dry and free from water damage, every detail matters. One often-overlooked element of...
While the idea of cozying up for a nap in your crawlspace might not appeal to you, it's important to...
In a display of community solidarity, Mid-State Basement Systems recently completed a pro-bono basement repair project in New Lexington, OH,...
Spring is on its way! It's that time of year to tackle the cleaning chores, stash away those winter garments,...
Are you considering waterproofing your basement? It's a wise decision to protect your home from potential water damage. However, when...
Are you tired of dealing with a wet basement? Say goodbye to water woes with WaterGuard, the revolutionary solution offered...
Your chimney might often seem like just another exterior feature of your home, but it plays a crucial role...
We've got some exciting news to share – our very own founder and owner, Larry Janesky, recently paid us a...
Basement flooding is a common issue that homeowners face, and it can be caused by various factors. Understanding the reasons...
When the chilly winds of winter arrive, most homeowners envision frost as nothing more than a superficial layer of ice...
The holiday spirit was in full swing as Mid-State Basement Systems recently gathered for their annual holiday party, hosted at...
When it comes to safeguarding your basement against water intrusion, Basement Systems introduces a game-changer - IceGuard. As winter's icy...
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