Stair Step Cracking Repaired
Signs of foundation damage are usually easy to spot. Foundation walls built from concrete block typically crack along joint lines between blocks, forming a horizontal crack near the mid point of the wall and "stair step" cracking at the corners.

Using high strength epoxy resin, the carbon fiber straps are bonded to the interior face of the wall. The straps will stabilize the wall. This system requires no exterior excavation, installs quickly, and won't impact future basement finishing.

Using high strength epoxy resin, the carbon fiber straps are bonded to the interior face of the wall. The straps will stabilize the wall. This system requires no exterior excavation, installs quickly, and won't impact future basement finishing.

The Finished Product
Using high strength epoxy resin, the carbon fiber straps are bonded to the interior face of the wall. The straps will stabilize the wall. This system requires no exterior excavation, installs quickly, and won't impact future basement finishing.

A super-strong carbon fiber strap is fused to each ArmorLock strip and anchored to a heavy-duty steel bracket that's lag-screwed to the rim joist. Locking the foundation wall to the rim joist will prevent soil pressure from pushing the top of the wall inward, away from this perimeter framing.