The crack in the home that alerted this homeowner that there was damage.

Helical Pier
The first section of the pier that is advanced into the ground has one or more helical blades (or "bearing plates") welded to the shaft. Additional helical pier sections do not have bearing plates and are instead used to extend the pier to the necessary installation depth.

Helical Piers
Helical piers are mechanically advanced into the soil using small construction or hand equipment. As they are installed to appropriate depths and capacities, they prevent any future settlement issues.

Helical pier sections are mechanically "screwed," or advanced, into the soil. The weight of the home is then transferred through the helical piers to deep, competent soils. Lifting the home back towards its original position is attempted. Then, the soil around the foundation is carefully replaced.

The weight of the home is then transferred through the helical piers to deep, competent soils. Lifting the home back towards its original position is attempted. Then, the soil around the foundation is carefully replaced.