Serving Central, Northwest, and Southeast Ohio, Dublin, Westerville, Columbus


Crack Attack: How Helical Piers Tackle Foundation Issues

You might have noticed some small cracks in your home's foundation, but perhaps you didn't pay them much attention. However, it's crucial not to underestimate the potential severity of these cracks and the costly consequences if they are left unattended. Your home's foundation is arguably the most vital component, and its health and stability should never be taken lightly.


At Mid-State Basement Systems, we prioritize the well-being, safety, and value of your home. We offer a range of effective foundation repair solutions, including our advanced pier systems. These solutions address various issues commonly encountered in Central Ohio, such as horizontal or vertical wall cracks, "stair-step" or diagonal cracking, bulging or buckling foundation walls, and inward pressure at the top or bottom of the wall.

Because foundation problems can have diverse underlying causes, we provide several unique solutions tailored to your specific needs.


Our Supportworks Helical Pier System could be the ideal solution to restore your home's value and stability. Helical Piers establish a secure support base that transfers your home's weight downward to stable soil layers, often where the initial problem originates. While the process may sound daunting, our installations are typically completed in less than a week, delivering superior results compared to alternatives like concrete underpinning. Helical piers can be installed from both the exterior and interior of your home, offering an opportunity to lift your home back to its original position during the installation. They are particularly effective in addressing severe "stair-step" wall cracks.

Crack Attack: How Helical Piers Tackle Foundation Issues - Image 1

When it comes to swiftly and effectively repairing your foundation, Helical Piers remain the answer to all your concerns. Delaying the resolution of wall cracks or bowing walls will only lead to escalating costs and more challenging permanent fixes. With a reassuring warranty, we provide you with the best chance to restore your home to its original condition. Our top priority with foundation repair solutions like Helical Piers is to deliver permanent solutions that not only resolve your problems but also enhance your property's value.


Don't wait; act now to safeguard the integrity of your home.

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