Serving Central, Northwest, and Southeast Ohio, Lima, Toledo, Columbus


Common Signs of a Foundation Problem

Foundation problems are nothing to crack jokes about and no homeowner wants to deal with a foundation repair. But foundation problems can affect your home’s safety, appearance and value. That’s why we came up with a simple list of common signs of a foundation problem, so you can be proactive and identify if your home needs a permanent solution.

More than ever, homeowners are stuck inside, and this is the perfect opportunity to address your foundation concerns. Let’s work together to make the most of this unexpected time at home. 

If you can identify any of these signs (especially more than one!), please contact us at 1-614-696-6400 so we can schedule a free, no-obligation estimate.

Sign #1: Foundation Wall Cracks

Foundation wall cracks vary in severity from a simple cosmetic issue to a major structural problem with your home. However, even serious foundation problems, when addressed early on, can be quickly and permanently fixed.

What should you be on the lookout for?

  • Horizonal or vertical cracks.
  • Stair-step or diagonal cracking.
  • Bulging, buckling foundation walls.

wall crack

Helpful tip: Try not to assume that a crack in your foundation is just a shrinkage crack. If you see cracks in your foundation wall, be sure to monitor them regularly. If the crack widens enough to fit a dime in, or one end of the crack grows wider than the other, you should consult us right away.

Our Solution: Each foundation issue is different, but most likely for a wall crack we would recommend the Supportworks Foundation Pier System. It is a great way to stabilizes and potentially lift a foundation that is resting on soils that cannot support the weight of the home.

Sign #2: Sticking Windows and Doors

Do you have an issue with your windows and/or doors sticking, jamming or your doors have non-functioning locks? While there can be many issues causing this, there are two main ones:

  • Foundation settlement.
  • Crawl space supports have settled, shifted or deteriorated.

What should you be on the lookout for?

  • Doors don’t open or close properly.
  • Windows need extra force to open and close.
  • Diagonal cracks that start at top corners of windows and door openings.


window and door

How can I tell if my issue is from foundation settlement or the crawlspace? Great question! Refer to this chart below. 


Our Solution: Foundation piers can be used to repair settlement issues, while crawl space jacks are a good solution for sagging floors over crawl spaces. 


If you have a foundation problem, we can help! All of our patented foundation repair solutions are custom designed for your home. As a Supportworks dealer in Ohio, we install exclusive foundation products that come with a warranty and are installed by our team of trained contractors. 

Now that you are aware of these common signs of a foundation problem, take the time to do an inspection in your home and see if you can identify any of the signs. If you have any concerns or can identify any, be sure to reach out to us for a free, no obligation estimate. You can call us at 1-614-696-6400 or book online here

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